GPT, GPT-4o, Perplexity, Replicate, Gemini, Mistral, Claude for Sheets

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Q: Hi Yaro, great tool!

I will explain my use case and have a few questions on which I need your input please, to say if this is possible with GPTforSheets.
1) Will this tool help me organize the data? For example, if I ask AI to reorder rows and/or columns to present the data differently, will it work?
2) I want to create shareable workbooks that will have either templates or calculators with protected fields and editable fields to input the data. These shareable sheets will be within my single Google workspace but I intend to share with my prospects as lead magnets. Will your product allow unlimited sharing as long as the sheet is in a single Google Workspace? Which Tier will be suitable for this use case?
3) I want to obviously integrate my own API key, however, I do not want my users to be able to use this for image generation. What's the best way to limit the use of API key. I assume it will be through my account with the API provider? or are there settings within your tool where I can limit this?
Thanks for your input

JayTheRainmakerPLUSAug 1, 2024
Founder Team


Aug 28, 2024

A: Hey Jay!

Yes, you can create your templates. And just use "Replace GPTs with text results" and it will be as usual sheet document, that you can share. People will not see the plugin/your account/you api keys.

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