Q: Purchased and wondering if you are considering a save functionality?

This can help with workflow if I'm doing a series of within the platform. If I have to delete before doing the next series/quote I have to go between your software and another for example to know where I left off at. Or if I wanted to use different colors for design I have go to social or if I downloaded it search and find out what's up next or if I used that verbiage before. Can be do tedious and inefficient.

Thoughts of adding to a roadmap?


TheBlueAlphaPLUSMar 10, 2024
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi, I'm not sure I got what you mean by saving. All infographics get automatically saved periodically. You don't have to delete anything, since you can create unlimited number of infographics under the pro plan. If you are creating a series or versions of related infographics, it would be easier to duplicate a previous one and edit it as necessary. If that's not what wanted, please open a ticket here at https://graficto.freshdesk.com. We'll help you with what you want to do.

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