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Member since: Jun 2020Deals bought: 94
5 stars
5 stars
Edited Feb 18, 2025

Product looks polished, few things to improve

After solved the activation, I made a quick test.
Product looks polished, icons are bit of a challenge. .for example I was trying to find icons for Maths, AI, care, emotional intelligence... Not possible to find and AI repreats same icon for different concepts.

How to save variations created. Hard to save with a Name as title of the work.

Polished in different languages so far.

O couldn't find how to define the size or how the App defines size/margins of the project.

Like download available formats. That's great.

Sometimes the problem is how to choose the type of infographic to display some info.
To test more complex designs involving stats or numbers.

Keep going!!!
๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€ And tacos

Founder Team


Feb 25, 2025

Thank you for your review and feedback. They are valuable to improve our product ๐Ÿ˜
