Q: Does it come with Kids books
Does it come with Kids books

Mar 5, 2025A: Hello there,
Thank you for taking an interest in our product!
Headway is a book summary app that offers a fun and easy way to grow through key ideas and insights from the world’s bestsellers.
Users can interact with the app by:
- reading & listening to 15-minute book summaries from the best nonfiction books available as both text and audio performed by professional voice actors;
- enjoying daily insights & widgets that motivate;
- earning streaks to keep learning further;
- getting personalized recommendations and relevant content for the reader’s areas of interest;
- receiving curated collections according to their preferences;
- and learning with spaced repetition features to memorize facts and insights effectively.
Feel free to let us know if you need any further help.
Kind regards,
Headway Team