Very useful field-tested app and a great customer service
I have tested Hellooo for several user interviews, and a colleague of mine also did.
We are very satisfied with the tool. It really streamlines and accelerate user interviews execution and analysis, it also reduces friction.
The integration with GoogleMeet (also Teams and Zoom, but didn’t test with these tools) is great. So practical to be able to flag key moments on the go !
The founder and developer Louis has demonstrated sheer reactivity. He has implemented in a breeze a number of correctives and refinements, that I was feeding him during the course of our tests. From beginning our internal tests before interviews, to finishing interviews, maybe 3 weeks passed, and the app got very significantly better, and quite a handful of features were added after my request.
For instance : when I uploaded my first video (an already recorded interview), the AI fact analysis only gave me four very general insights for a 40 mn interview. I shared with Louis that I was very disappointed, since such vague insights were no complementary help.
But some 10 days later, when I tentatively ran another fact analysis on a new interview... then I got dozens of precise and matter-of-fact insights, this time really useful ! And again on other interviews as well.
Granted, fact analysis is not completely bullet-proof. In my opinion, it would not be directly usable by someone not having participated / listened to the interview, thus able to spot inaccuracies or confusions here and there. But on the whole the fact analysis is impressive, it speeds up the analysis by the person who has carried out the interview, and helps not forgetting anything.
The clip feature is not far from being mind-blowing ! You can easily select a section from the transcript, and turn it into a shareable / downloadable clip to make your point. The only downside is that even a short clip generation takes quite a while (unless Louis has reworked that since mid-March), for a less than 1-mn clip generation, I experienced some 3-4 mn generation time. Also I would appreciate being able to select a clip from the video timeline.
The quality of transcript is correct, but (in French) not that outstanding, I found it less accurate than HappyScribe (a transcription only tool I purchased on AppSumo). It was not much of a hindrance to me, but there would be some room for improvement in my opinion.
For now, I haven’t got the occasion to test the AI researching feature of the tool (querying Hellooo for insights, be it on one video or several), so I cannot comment on this part. (however I would be quite confident, given the quality of fact analysis.)
To sum up : there is still room for improvements, both on the UX side and on the transcription, but Hellooo is alredy a really good tool. Having bought lots of apps, both with this professionnal account and with another personal account, on AppSumo since 2018, Hellooo is one of the best deals, and of the most useful, that I purchased.

May 9, 2024Thank you for your feedback Xavier! We're happy to hear that Hellooo was useful during your user interviews. We're always improving, and your feedback helps us a lot. We'll take your suggestions about the clip feature and transcript quality into account for future improvements. Thanks again for your support, and we're excited to make your user interview experience even better with Hellooo!