HypeIndex AI

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Member since: Sep 2019Deals bought: 261
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Mar 24, 2024

Great potential… some way to go though

I think HypeIndex AI has great potential and will stick with my LTD. However, there's a couple of improvements to be made before this can get a 5-star rating:

1. More exchanges need to be added. I can't find any European and Canadian stocks for example.

2. I'd love a daily/weekly summary email of changes to my watchlist. At the moment I get a single email each day for each ticker... that's annoying and not convenient.

3. I tried the report function on Realty Income and it produced gibberish dating back as far as 2021. Not very helpful. The AI should only utilize reports that are, say, no older than one week. Everything else is outdated. You may even add an option to determine the period the AI uses for its research, so users can customize that.

4. The heatmap is not very easy to comprehend. I suggest making this smaller and limited to a box within the screen. No scrolling. Once the user hovers over a ticker there can be more information shown. The heatmap doesn't fulfill its purpose if it's not shown in its entirety.

5. It's hard to understand what values to enter in the watchlist. Some tickers have much hype and others don't. Some guidance would be helpful. This has to be easier to understand for users.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thank you very much for providing such important feedback! Your insights are invaluable to us as we strive for continuous improvement.

Here's a breakdown of the updates and improvements we're working on based on your feedback:

1. Currently, the NASDAQ and NYSE are the only exchanges available on the HypeIndex app. In our next updates, we will include the Canadian and UK exchanges, followed by Asian exchanges.
2. Regarding the daily summary email, we are in the process of adding this feature. Additionally, in the upcoming update, you will be able to view the leaderboard rank changes for every asset.
3. We recognize the importance of including a time frame in the AI report. This is an excellent suggestion and will be implemented.
4. The heatmap will undergo a significant transformation soon. We are working to make it much more visually appealing and interactive.
5. We are excited to announce that we are adding a buy/sell indicator for every asset. This addition will make it much easier for users to understand market signals.

Thank you once again for your feedback, and please stay tuned for these exciting updates!
