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Q: What languages are supported (for learning languages)?

What languages are supported? Are there any YouTube tutorials available for product preview before purchase?

115830509324618972238PLUSSep 3, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 6, 2024

A: Hi, you can learn French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Mandarin and Italian šŸ™‚

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Posted: Sep 5, 2024

Can you learn Portuguese, Italian, Greek, or French? Could you provide more details about the languages available for learning in this application? I am awaiting your response before making a purchase.

Posted: Sep 6, 2024

Are you planning to support additional languages? I bought and activated the deal, but it says I'm on a family trial and will be charged after a week. I contacted you and AppSumo about this. Can you help or activate my code on your end?

Posted: Sep 6, 2024

Also - Is Greek in the pipeleine?