Hypnoledge Reviews


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Member since: Nov 2018Deals bought: 60
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Jul 13, 2024

Nice concept but lots of flaws

I liked the idea of some extra language practice and doing while under hypnosis - we 've all seen The Matrix right?

Sadly, while the hypnosis and active listening part of the app is good, it falls short in the vocabulary section with difficult to determine illustrations, and then the pronunciation gave me weird phonetic spellings of words I know exactly how to pronounce in my target language but couldn't figure out the spellings. There are also bugs with one examples being "What is the correct pronounciation of "ganz" a)halo b)allo or c )hello ??? Ummm

No worries I thought it's just a bit buggy, so i went to the grammar topic yes it's PDF to view, so I figured I would go on my laptop to read it there - can't find any way to view the courses on the website and the default language is French until you change your language in your profile. Heh?

OK, I'll do it in app, view the grammar as a PDF on my phone, this is fine, in English good, bit small on phone but I'll cope. Now let's look at the transcript download of the lesson I did, French again!

Please fix these errors I want to access the lessons on a laptop as this is an accessibility issue for me, and these bugs need looking at Perhaps you are a French company but how many users on Appsumo speak French as default?

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Member since: Sep 2017Deals bought: 213
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3 stars
Posted: Jun 10, 2024

Interesting concept with some flaws in its execution

Hypnoledge is an interesting app with a novel concept that I generally like. However, there are also a few things I don't like.

First, in my opinion, the app should allow you to learn the same language in which you choose the user interface. (For example, learn English if the app is in English). Furthermore, I don't like the way you learn vocabulary. Each vocabulary word is assigned a picture, which is often incomprehensible. So you don't know what the vocabulary you're learning actually means, and you have to look it up somewhere else to not rely on guessing.

In order to pass the grammar exercises, you have to read a PDF beforehand, which in my opinion could have been solved much better and does not meet the standard of a modern learning app, since PDFs are not optimized for mobile devices and there are much better and more interactive ways to learn something. This is really just bad in comparison to competitors!

I find the hypnosis part somewhat good in principle, although I think it doesn't help if you haven't heard the vocabulary at least once before. Otherwise, you have no idea what you are listening to except gibberish and you learn nothing!

The second part of the app for personal development is limited exclusively to hypnosis sessions, which is not a bad thing in principle. However, I didn't understand the system with the hypnokeys. Apparently I can buy individual hypnosis sessions for hypnokeys, but I find the same sessions in another tab of the app also accessible for free.

In my personal opinion, it should rather be two apps, since the target group for language learning and personal development are partly different (even though i personally like both).
I also have the feeling that this two-pronged approach leads to that both parts do not reach their full potential. I hope that they keep developing on some of these main points instead of just adding new languages or so.

For now I think it is usefull if you either just want the personal development part or if you at least know the language that you want to learn at least a little bit and if you just use this app in addition to some other language learning app.

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Member since: Nov 2011Deals bought: 348
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5 stars
Posted: Jun 4, 2024

Excellent Daily Practice with Hypnolege!

Hypnoledge is fantastic because it simplifies language learning in ways I never imagined. Many new language learners often feel overwhelmed and frustrated, which can create learning blocks. Hypnoledge accelerates language acquisition through meditative hypnotherapy, allowing learners to be in a more relaxed state. In this state, they can listen to spoken dialogue, practice the language, and keep new vocabulary at the forefront of their minds. This approach makes the learning process more enjoyable and effective.

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Member since: May 2022Deals bought: 39
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: May 25, 2024

Language Learning Reinvented

Thank you for this incredible offer, I'm absolutely delighted with my purchase! This application, (developed by a French company), offers a unique method of language learning, combining hypnosis with thousands of hours of immersive content.

Thanks to hypnosis, learning becomes not only more effective but also much more enjoyable. The results are impressive: words come naturally, with no effort at translation. At this price, the offer is unbeatable. Lifetime access for the whole family means you can master several languages at no extra cost. The application offers high-quality exercises, suitable for all levels, and personal development modules that are a huge plus.

Since I've been using Hypnoledge (to which I had a subscription before this deal), I've noticed significant progress. I'm able to follow conversations in English as if it were my mother tongue, which is simply incredible. The application is intuitive and the customer support is responsive.

Hypnoledge is a revolutionary application that deserves to be known and used by a wider audience. I highly recommend this app to anyone who wants to learn a new language in an efficient and enjoyable way. However, bear in mind that this learning method may not be suitable for everyone, but in 60 days you should be able to form an objective opinion...

Founder Team


May 27, 2024

Many thanks Stephane for this great feedback!

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