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Member since: May 2022Deals bought: 39
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: May 25, 2024

Language Learning Reinvented

Thank you for this incredible offer, I'm absolutely delighted with my purchase! This application, (developed by a French company), offers a unique method of language learning, combining hypnosis with thousands of hours of immersive content.

Thanks to hypnosis, learning becomes not only more effective but also much more enjoyable. The results are impressive: words come naturally, with no effort at translation. At this price, the offer is unbeatable. Lifetime access for the whole family means you can master several languages at no extra cost. The application offers high-quality exercises, suitable for all levels, and personal development modules that are a huge plus.

Since I've been using Hypnoledge (to which I had a subscription before this deal), I've noticed significant progress. I'm able to follow conversations in English as if it were my mother tongue, which is simply incredible. The application is intuitive and the customer support is responsive.

Hypnoledge is a revolutionary application that deserves to be known and used by a wider audience. I highly recommend this app to anyone who wants to learn a new language in an efficient and enjoyable way. However, bear in mind that this learning method may not be suitable for everyone, but in 60 days you should be able to form an objective opinion...

Founder Team


May 27, 2024

Many thanks Stephane for this great feedback!
