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Member since: Mar 2018Deals bought: 51
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Feb 6, 2022

Love this one!

I got this a few days ago, Problem activating my account. Totally my fault. I entered the wrong email address. The support was amazing really, can't fault them. To make a long story short. I refunded the as the activation code was not going to be used as it was a crap Email address I entered. I made a free account on the website and ended up buying the deal again. For those that have problems with activation is simple to just enter the code on a free account. It is actually trouble-free. I think everyone has old family photos in black and white and for very little money it brings them up to date again. I love the app, the results it turns out are very accurate. It brings you back in time to a happier place, Well I know it has done for me. It is only when you lose someone in your family that then photos are so important. I know when my mother died I spent 2 years looking for photos of her. Most people that will buy this app will buy it for that reason.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thank you for using ImageColorizer to add color to your black and white photos.
