Imgkits - AI Image Processing Tools Online

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Member since: Oct 2021Deals bought: 48
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Apr 7, 2023

Thank you for this amazing product!

I rarely leave a review for a product, and when I do it is typically negative. But this lifetime deal is incredible! The tools that you currently offer are very useful, I especially like the inpainting and 'cartoon' filter. I like that there are unlimited credits each month. The only feature which I really wish was added at this time is outpainting. Currently, I need to export the artwork over to Playground AI to do the outpainting, and I really wish that this tool was available within the product. But, good job on this product! And thank you for putting this as a lifetime deal on AppSumo.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thank you for your review. What kind of feature is outputting?
