I purchased 3 codes and redeemed them for credits, the purchase states I will continue to get credits monthly but it doesn't reflect that in the portal. How will I be receiving my credits monthly?
Why is your product an alternative to lastpass? Can I safely share login credentials with clients? Or let clients safely share login credentials with us?
A: Hi, it is not. We do not have password vault capabilities. Insecure Web focuses on entities and the confidential information related to them. Even though passwords are one of those data types we monitor, the focus of the tool is not to manage credentials.
There is no Agency plan for this deal. This deal is designed for organizations looking to protect their information. If you are looking for an Agency plan or MS please reach out to use through our website to learn more about the partnership program.
Hello Insecureweb-Team, This sounds like a very valuable tool these days, since cybersecurity is a tough call. I wonder if your service also offers to create a list of where my eMail address is stored, i.e. in what accounts. The use case is to identify where I have used my eMail address over all the years and created accounts to stores, which I no longer use. This way I may get a chance to clean-up my digital footprint. Is this possible with InsecureWeb? Or does it only offer results on threats? Thanks for clarifying.
Q: How will I receive my monthly credits?
I purchased 3 codes and redeemed them for credits, the purchase states I will continue to get credits monthly but it doesn't reflect that in the portal. How will I be receiving my credits monthly?
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Q: Can I apply an AppSumo code to a free account?
I would like to sign up for a free account before I purchase a code on AppSumo.
If I setup a free Insecure Web account, can I later apply the AppSumo code to that account? Or will I have to create another account from scratch?
Feb 24, 2025A: Yes, you can.
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Q: Alternative to lastpass
Why is your product an alternative to lastpass? Can I safely share login credentials with clients? Or let clients safely share login credentials with us?
Feb 13, 2025A: Hi, it is not. We do not have password vault capabilities. Insecure Web focuses on entities and the confidential information related to them. Even though passwords are one of those data types we monitor, the focus of the tool is not to manage credentials.
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Q: impersonation domains for clients
Does the 12 company impersonation domains limit you to 12 clients if running as an agency?
Jan 18, 2025A: Hi!,
There is no Agency plan for this deal. This deal is designed for organizations looking to protect their information. If you are looking for an Agency plan or MS please reach out to use through our website to learn more about the partnership program.
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Q: EMail and private usage
Hello Insecureweb-Team,
This sounds like a very valuable tool these days, since cybersecurity is a tough call. I wonder if your service also offers to create a list of where my eMail address is stored, i.e. in what accounts. The use case is to identify where I have used my eMail address over all the years and created accounts to stores, which I no longer use. This way I may get a chance to clean-up my digital footprint.
Is this possible with InsecureWeb? Or does it only offer results on threats?
Thanks for clarifying.
Jan 6, 2025A: Hello,
This is a nice feature but we do not have it right now. We only share with you infomration we find on the dark web.
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