Insecure Web

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Member since: Nov 2020Deals bought: 288
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Dec 16, 2022

Good tool, committed team!

I bought two codes at first but had issues as the site wouldn't load on my end. In frustration, I almost refunded the codes, but instead I reached out to the team. They got back to me quickly and troubleshooted with me (ended up doing 2 different video chats - one with their developers). Eventually, it was discovered that an extension I was using was causing a conflict. They got to work fast to remedy a solution so it would work with the extension.

I have now been able to use the tool, scan a few things, and find some issues. I still have to play with it a bit more to figure out how to remedy (most of it seems to be just changing passwords) but I do see the value of this and the potential of where this could go. In the QA they mentioned penetration tests are coming and will be included for credits. This would be a huge addition to this tool!

I am glad I "stuck with it", as it seems like this will be a great value going forward. It has a committed team behind it, which speaks volumes to me! Wishing htem the best!

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thank you, it was a pleasure working with troubleshooting the browser extension issue. You went the extra mile to help us figure this out.
