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Q: Tier 5 clarification

Can you please clarify some points for me regarding strictly Tier5?

1. 60 bots are included, how much are additional bots?
2. 500 files are included... is this per bot or total across all 60?
3. Do Tier5 bots have access to learning from cloud storage?
3.1. Can you train different bots on different folders each on cloud storage
4. I saw BYOK has been discussed, is this confirmed and what is the timeline?

Thanks, I hope this works for me

conor151PLUSSep 17, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 19, 2024

A: Bonjour conor151,

- Check the pricing at
- Across all 60.
- Cloud storage is not available in tier 5.
- You won't have access to cloud storage.
- Confirmed, the timeline is by the end of the year.


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