InstaCharts Questions

Showing 1 - 10 of 10 questions

Q: Is it possible (once we imported a CVS file to your app), to export a clean XLS file ?

contact357PLUSAug 25, 2024
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Aug 25, 2024

A: Thanks for checking out InstaCharts and asking a question.

Yes! Our team just released exporting to excel files. It is now detailed on our docs page here:

Let me know if I can help with anything else,


Q: Hi do you plan integrations with retable.

io, gg sheet, apix-drive, webhook?
as dont have notion, airtable

bio.gianni.cyouPLUSAug 22, 2024
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Founder Team


Aug 22, 2024

A: Hi!
First thanks for taking the time to check out InstaCharts and ask a question!
To answer your question:
1. Integrate with - this is not on the roadmap at this time
2. Integrate with google sheets - Yes! Our team is currently working on this now and hope to have this completed in September/October.
3. Integrate with ApiX-Drive - this is currently not on the roadmap
4. Integrate...


Q: Not bad, but limited editing options for describing the chart, writing within the chart, providing a description for the various data.

Excel can give a decsription. Hope development can take care of that.

octococonutJul 19, 2024
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Founder Team


Jul 19, 2024

A: Hello! Thanks for the question!

You are right, currently InstaCharts only allows you to add a title, multiline subtitle and axis titles.

I believe you are referring to chart annotations, where you can place text and other visuals yourself on the chart. I've added this to our roadmap here:
No ETA on when this will be done...


Q: Hi - how fo ypou compare to this earlier deal - https://appsumo.


I full stacked above and just wondering what InstaChart adds?

Thanks and best!

Sumoling8486PLUSJul 18, 2024
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Founder Team


Jul 18, 2024

A: Hi! Thanks for the question!

Forgive me - It's tough to give an in depth response since Chartmat doesn't seem to offer a free trial or have a docs section online.

But it appears Chartmat is more for making apps & dashboards with data hosted in google sheets.

InstaCharts is more of a data exploration app for spreadsheet files - We have an easy to use charting UI, where you can quickly change...


Q: Welcome to Appsumo and congrats on your campaign launch.

Any plans for API integrations?

I would love to be able to build out an assessment using a form that users submit, the data then gets fed into InsaCharts, the image generated and downloaded, then uploaded to a PDF/report.

Would something like this be possible, with or without API? Do you have a link to a public roadmap?

krstffrJul 17, 2024
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Founder Team


Jul 17, 2024

A: Hi! Thanks for the warm welcome and for checking out InstaCharts!

That's an interesting question! We do not have plans to offer an integration API anytime soon, however I did add it as Under Review on our roadmap here:
No ETA on when this would be done; I'd like to get integrations with services like Google...
