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Q: Hi - how fo ypou compare to this earlier deal - https://appsumo.


I full stacked above and just wondering what InstaChart adds?

Thanks and best!

Sumoling8486PLUSJul 18, 2024
Founder Team


Jul 18, 2024

A: Hi! Thanks for the question!

Forgive me - It's tough to give an in depth response since Chartmat doesn't seem to offer a free trial or have a docs section online.

But it appears Chartmat is more for making apps & dashboards with data hosted in google sheets.

InstaCharts is more of a data exploration app for spreadsheet files - We have an easy to use charting UI, where you can quickly change the data plotted and chart types until you find a nice looking chart.

I'd say while InstaCharts does not have an API for push integrations or integration with google sheets, it does have a beefier set of charting features. InstaCharts has more chart types, chart customizations (subtitles, labels, binned data, number formatting), filters, data transformations, ranking & other features.

Lots of users download detailed & customized chart images made with InstaCharts then embed the image into reports or email.

So it really depends on your needs! If you'd like to build more in depth charts, give our free online demo a try at

Thanks for taking the time to look into InstaCharts and ask a question!

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Posted: Jul 19, 2024

Thanks Bart. Could you also elucidate on what takes up storage and views? I assume if I download and attach it is not counted in views. What does storage mean, especially with G-sheets?

Posted: Jul 19, 2024

Sure! Good questions!
Anything you do while logged in is not counted as a view. Views are when you publicly share a chart, and outside viewers load and look at one of your shared charts through an InstaCharts url.

InstaCharts stores your data; it is compressed on the server to take up minimal space. This is what storage refers to: how much space your data takes up.

Posted: Jul 19, 2024

InstaCharts does not currently integrate with Google sheets. When we do, I believe we will still store your data in our server (so you can edit it for charting), so data from google sheets will still count toward your storage quota.

Thanks for the follow up questions, I hope this answers them!