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Q: Welcome to Appsumo and congrats on your campaign launch.

Any plans for API integrations?

I would love to be able to build out an assessment using a form that users submit, the data then gets fed into InsaCharts, the image generated and downloaded, then uploaded to a PDF/report.

Would something like this be possible, with or without API? Do you have a link to a public roadmap?

krstffrJul 17, 2024
Founder Team


Jul 17, 2024

A: Hi! Thanks for the warm welcome and for checking out InstaCharts!

That's an interesting question! We do not have plans to offer an integration API anytime soon, however I did add it as Under Review on our roadmap here:
No ETA on when this would be done; I'd like to get integrations with services like Google Sheets and Airtable done first.

Not sure if this answers your question, but yes; you can do parts of your scenario manually in InstaCharts:
1. Download form results to a spreadsheet or copy them to your clipboard
2. Paste from clipboard or upload file into InstaCharts
3. Design your chart and export it as a .png
4. Embed the .png into a report/pdf you are creating

Please feel free to email me at to talk about how you'd like to use an API integration further, or reach out in the comments.

I really appreciate you taking the time to write up your question! I greatly value your feedback!

Thanks again!

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Posted: Jul 22, 2024

Thanks for your response, Bart. I'll send a note to you regarding my specific use case. Hopefully it's something worth exploring for further development in InstaCharts.

One last question: When will you be adding spider/radar charts?

Posted: Jul 23, 2024

Hi! Great question (and thank you for the use case!)
I've added radar charts to our roadmap here:
No current ETA on when this will be completed however.
Thank you again!!