InVideo Studio

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Member since: Mar 2019Deals bought: 76
2 stars
2 stars
Posted: Apr 17, 2024

Bait & Switch Unfortunately

I purchased this in 2019. I never really used it until I saw some YouTube videos about all the great video features it had developed.

So I enthusiastically logged in to my account and saw that it had been "downgraded" to a free account.

As of today, 4/17/24, I see that they've restored the 30 videos / month and 6000+ templates, unlimited users, etc., from the original deal.

That said, they've introduced a "new" video service that they're selling separately and don't even call the plan "Professional" anymore. So much for "future plan updates". They deliberately separated their new service from the service we purchased.

The "Public Road Map" link on the App Sumo product page no longer works. You have to request access. Probably because they don't want people to see that their roadmap actually included the new product's features that they now want to charge Sumo LTD users for.

The URLs and also no longer work. These URLs are still on the Product Redeem page on App Sumo. This supports that they knowingly are reneging on the deal, otherwise why change the URLs?

We didn't buy "Invideo Studio". We bought "Invideo" period. That's what the offer was. That's what the buy page said. Now they've created a new offer on Sumo that specifies "Studio". Why? Because they KNOW they reneged on our original deal and their original offer.

I've noticed this happening quite a bit lately with App Sumo Lifetime Deals. The company puts up a deal, then they add a bunch of cool new stuff, change the plan names effectively eliminating the Sumo version, and we don't get those updates because "the plan no longer exists".

As far as I'm concerned, it's a bait & switch so they can tout all their "users" and not deliver on the promise.

I gave it 2 tacos instead of one because the product does deliver some value. But it's not what they promised and they don't want to keep their word. Hiding their "Public Roadmap" is evidence so we can't trace back the intent.

If a company cannot afford to deliver on their initial promise of "future plan updates", even if they change the name. They shouldn't make the offer. And App Sumo needs to hold them accountable.

These companies use our numbers to get support, new customers, investors & press. That's the exchange for us taking a chance on them with these deals. They need to deliver and keep their word. Not change the nomenclature when it becomes inconvenient.
