InVideo Studio

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Member since: Mar 2019Deals bought: 586
1 stars
1 stars
Posted: Aug 12, 2024

BUYER BEWARE - Not a company you can trust

As like the other people who were 'scammed' I was an early adopter of InVideo and now I have nothing to show for it. I've been downgrade to their free plan. AS says "Please review the product you're purchasing, not the terms of the deal".

How can I review the product if it's been taken away???

The "lifetime deal" was nothing but smoke and mirrors. They systematically stripped away features ovr time, ignored support requests, and ultimately dumped us to a glorified free plan of their new 'studio' app. And since they've rebranded, its effectively nullified our "lifetime" access to the app.

It's clear they used early adopters to boost numbers to get investors, then forgot about us.

The platform is A buggy mess. I bought this around the same time I bought and I barely used invideo because it was so frustrating. Videos losing edits, exports taking days, and subpar quality output became the norm. And customer suppot is basically non-existent.

AS should remove them from the platform.

NO REFUNDS IS TELLING. Appsumo should put a RED HIGHLIGH around no refund deals like they put the blue highlight on 60-day refunds. Regular buyers might miss this, especially someone who buys as many deals as I do.

Save yourself the headache. Avoid at all costs. There are far better, more honest options out there.
