Q: How to track how many concurrent devices?

How do we manage and keep track of how many concurrent connected devices? and can the admin disable or disconeect any device?

Dlee254Sep 12, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 12, 2024

A: Can you expand on "concurrent connected devices" please? do you mean things like cameras and such, being compose into a scene? or do you mean running instances of iShowU v6 itself?

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Posted: Sep 12, 2024

For tier-3, 250 concurrent devices - how would you keep track of which devices are using the license? and can you disable or disconnect to free up a connection?

Posted: Sep 12, 2024

At the moment, its based on running instances of the app. Right now, older instances 'win', and newer instances exceeding the count show a dialog to the effect that you need to shut down other running apps. This could change in future based on feedback.

Licenses are not locked to a machine, or a user. The enforcement is based purely on running instances of the app.

Posted: Sep 12, 2024

So to "free up" a connection, you would close the app on some machine that is running it.