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Member since: Oct 2023Deals bought: 4
1 stars
1 stars
Posted: Jul 16, 2024

You're better off using Word!

There are so many issues with this tool that I'm surprised with all the previous high ratings. They are not justified even if this is the first version of it. While the product may make your resume look somewhat decent, serious applicants need more than just a nice-looking resume to apply successfully. Here is why I would not recommend using it based on my extensive experience in working with it:

1) The most important aspect of any resume is that it needs to be ATS-friendly, which ensures an Applicant Tracking System, like Workday, can easily read it when it is uploaded. In fact, most recruiters will tell you that Word documents are often preferred for their ATS-friendliness, as the text can be easily parsed. So it is odd that this tool does not provide the option to export the resumes in Word format. This would also allow the ability to easily edit the content afterward without having to do it all inside the platform since it is quite restrictive. However, even after testing the resume format generated by this tool, I found that my old resumes, which were built in Word, were far more ATS-friendly than the terrible PDF format this tool generates. What made it even more frustrating is that the Applicant Tracking System I tested this with, Workday, struggled to recognize some of the information consistently depending on the template design I generated from this tool. In some cases, company names, job titles, and dates were partially or completely omitted from certain sections. In comparison, the same sections I had in a Word doc version of my resume were recognized with no issues.

2) The template designs available in this tool are limited and not easily customizable. Some even look outdated and not appealing. I also question the design choices as the font styles, sizes, line and column spacing, and overall lack of formatting options are so limiting and problematic that they end up working against you in ways that cannot be ignored by you or anyone else who sees your resume. This again goes back to my concern over the use of a PDF format as the only export option.

3) To make matters worse, some templates have formatting issues that others do not. For example, when using the Simple template, if the company name is a little long in the Experience section, it forces the start and end dates next to it to stack up over multiple lines on the side in a narrow column (sometimes up to 3 or 4 lines). This also occurs with Skills where multiple words describing a single skill stack up over several lines in a narrow column. This may explain why some resume information is not being properly processed when uploading resumes from this tool to an ATS.

4) Bugs, bugs, bugs! I came across so many just in my first couple hours of use and have reported most of them. There are too many to list here but it shows that there was not sufficient testing done before rolling this tool out. For instance, if your resume title contains a period, for example, "Jane Doe Ph.D.", it will not export the PDF file name correctly as it then omits the .pdf file extension. As a result, the file won't work unless you manually add the .pdf extension onto the end of the file name.

5) Unable to save customized design choices based on the template design. Color choices or other specific template design choices you make can't be saved as part of a profile or in a separate folder. The only thing you can save is your recent text edits. So once you switch to a different template, you will need to reset design choices all over again.

6) The AI job description feature was one that I was excited to try out but it was a complete letdown. While it does recommend a list of skills you can include in your Skills section that align with the job description, it does not do much for your other sections. In fact, all the AI does for your About Me or Experience section is provide a summary sentence for whatever you already have there. It has very little to do with the job description or what your resume needs to include to better align with it which is quite pointless in my opinion. If you don't have anything in those sections already, the one-sentence suggestion from the AI is quite generic and useless since it needs information about your experience to suggest something.

Overall, I wanted to like this product, but it still has a long way to go before it can be seen as a serious tool. Based on its significant shortcomings, I've requested a refund and plan to stick to using Word for my resume needs until something more reliable comes along.

Founder Team


Jul 17, 2024

Thank you for your detailed feedback!

We appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with our resume builder tool. We take all user feedback seriously and will use your insights to improve our product.

Here's how we're addressing some of the concerns you raised:

ATS Compatibility: We understand the importance of ATS friendliness. We're actively working on improving our export options to include ATS-compatible formats like .docx. In the meantime, we recommend downloading your resume as a PDF and using a free online converter to transform it to .docx if needed.

Template Variety and Customization: We're constantly adding new templates and expanding customization options. We want to ensure our users have a variety of professional and modern designs to choose from.

Formatting Issues: We apologize for the formatting inconsistencies you encountered with some templates. Our development team is working on addressing these bugs and improving the overall layout flexibility.

Bug Fixes: Thank you for reporting the bugs you experienced. We're committed to providing a smooth user experience and appreciate your patience as we iron out any technical issues.

Saving Design Choices: We acknowledge the limitation of not being able to save customized design choices per template. This feature is on our development roadmap, and we'll keep you updated on its progress.

AI Job Description Feature: We're continuously evolving our AI features. Your feedback on the "About Me" and "Experience" sections is valuable. We'll use it to refine the AI's ability to suggest stronger content tailored to specific job descriptions.

We strive to provide a valuable tool for creating impactful resumes. We encourage you to revisit our platform in the future to see the improvements we're making based on user feedback like yours.
