Q: Trial suscription
I have a trial subscription to plan 1 on your website, can I biy a code here and upgrade it cancelling the subscription?

Jan 28, 2025A: Hi Daniel,
yes, you want to cancel your current subscription and then Redeem Coupon will appear in the three dots menu.
Let us know if you need a hand with this.

Verified purchaser
Yes please, I need a hand with this, I already got the code one minute ago. From Appsumo it sends me to register a new account but I already have my current account, how can I upgrade it?

Verified purchaser
I already have the trial active with Stripe, I already cancelled it but it is active until 25 th this month but when I click on the three points just give me the option to check the stripe suscription and renew it but not enter Appsumo Code. Thanks
Yes, you must wait until you switch back to a free user. After that, you will see the redeem coupon link. You will keep every setting/QR Code, so you don't need to worry about losing something.