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Q: Hi, I’m a new seller on Amazon and I’m about to apply for GTIN exemption and upload 471 dropshipping ...

products that will be exempt from GTIN requirements. I need help deciding whether to purchase Tier 1 or Tier 4 of your service.

I’m not selling private label products; instead, I’m using a third-party tool for dropshipping. My question is whether your tool will work for my situation. If so, which tier option would be best for me given that I have 471 dropshipping products? Is your service only for private labels?

I apologize for the newbie question. Thank you for your help!

Zach65054Aug 16, 2024
Founder Team


Aug 16, 2024

A: Hey Ryan,

I also received your email. I'll provide a short answer here so others who might be interested can gain some insights, but I'll reply in depth to you via email.

Keywords is really for private label sellers and brand owners who have full control over their listing's text. Dropshipping is essentially selling products on other brands' listings. You typically don't control the listing title, bullet points, etc.

I would also check Amazon's policies about dropshipping. Generally speaking, it's a business model that Amazon as well as brand owners frown upon. I suggest you research it thoroughly before proceeding.

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Posted: Aug 16, 2024

Thanks for the quick response, Ash! I've replied to your email with additional information about my case. I've also attached some screenshots to clarify the freedom they provided and encouraged regarding modifying product titles to enhance their uniqueness and performance. Please take a look at my response, as it contains those screenshots. Thank you!