Keyword Discovery by SEO Co-Pilot

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Member since: Sep 2022Deals bought: 24
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jan 30, 2024

Worth it!

• Let’s get this out of the way the UI (User interface) is not great. But I hope they work on it in the coming updates.
• The keyword discovery tool is very well made since AI is rising and Google also implemented it as well. I like the idea of unlimited keyword idea reports. That way you can find the keywords you want to rank for and I tested it with other software. SEMrush and Moz. The difficulty score is the same but not as efficient within 18 hours as the keywords discovery. Especially if you’re doing extensive SEO and writing content to rank higher. The keyword discovery updates accordingly when you search for that website keywords. The KD score will be different if you change the parameters when starting the search for a keyword.
• Targeted Location, you can target a specific city, rather than a country search or state. Which is great, if you want to rank at a particular city.

If you do SEO keyword research regularly, this is for you.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

I'm happy to hear you love Keyword Discovery. I'm a bit unclear on what you mean by not being as efficient within 18 hours. The KD should process in less than 5 minutes. But very glad you are getting value out of it - also, the UI/UX will be getting a major overhaul soon!
