Q: Can the calendar be embedded on another site?
Also, I am clicking "start now" to link payment gateways and nothing is happening

Feb 16, 2025A: Hello, apologies for the late answer, as appsumo hasn’t sent me a notification for the questions of the last few days.
And for technical issues, please always feel free to use the in-app messenger or send email to support@kiwilaunch.com.
There is no direct calendar embed, because we don’t believe it is a good end user experience. However we have very conversion optimized booking and catalog widgets. You can search for ‘widgets’ in help.kiwilaunch.com
As to the payment gateway links not working, thosw links are dynamically generated by Stripe/paypal and we open as popup. Your ad blocker or browser’s privacy settings maybe blocking them. Can you check and if the issue persists, write to our support? We will then dynamically generate a link and send you the link directly.