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Q: Show all catalogs -

hey, looks like an interesting platform but theres some shortcomings compared to more mature products like Trafft (same price ish)

1. Is there no way to have a booking page/embed a page where all catalogs are visible?
I want my customers to first choose cataloge then service.
Ex for dog grooming
1. Customer sees all catalogs where catalogs can be "Small dog, Medium dog, big dog"
2. Customer clicks one and sees the services related to that catalaog
3. They book.
Currently I can only embed specific services or one catalog.

2. Is there a way to have monthly view in booking instead of weekly

lindisopajSep 9, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 9, 2024

A: The booking page is a microsite to get new users started before they have a proper website. That's the reason we won't add complex navigation to the booking page. Instead, we did a lot of investment in the embeddable widgets. You can have a website have your own category pages built. Then you can wrap different services like "Services for Small Dogs" and embed the respective catalog on the relevant page. Here is the article that explains catalog embedding.

You can embed one catalog at a time, but the idea is that you will have your SEO optimized category pages for which you will embed respective catalogs to complement the content with online booking.

As to your last question, the UX of the date and time picker can't be altered.

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