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Member since: Feb 2020Deals bought: 1562
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5 stars
Posted: Jan 18, 2025

KPI Karta Might Sneak Up on You As The Deal of the Year So Far

KPI Karta is kind of a sneaky tool. You have to understand it's power to really appreciate what it is doing. It is not a sexy shiny tool, but make no mistake it brings a massive punch. The range is more there but you have to roll up your sleeves to squeeze the juice out of this tool. What I love is the fact that you can do some real damage as an Agency.

After test driving it all week I think that all agencies should take a look at it. In fact for this price I think that all agencies should buy this tool. I think it you mix this puppy in with a RPA tool and you should be retired in no time flat. The founder has agreed to come on my channel to do a live demo and share upcoming features. Catch here if you can

+ Can Create Unlimited Kartas (Maps in Sweden)
+ Has more power then you think

-Need more automation we are in 2025
-Desperately needs the ability to embed Kartas
-Needs some integrations like webhooks

Nice to Haves
-Needs a report feature really bad.
- Export to PDF

Must have tool for all agencies hands down.

Founder Team


Jan 22, 2025

Thanks for the kind words. I really enjoyed being on your channel and answering some great questions.
Embedding the Karta is only not possible because each user needs a license. Even the free viewer is licensed for each user.
PDF export is available now.
