Q: What are you doing?! So disappointing.

Krisspy was probably one of the best promises landing at AS, and now, it feels like you are making decisions.. with a coin flip?!

1. You come with a product that is useless credit-wise, period.
2. We anxiously awaited for the credit increase, then.. you threw in a few credits that made ZERO difference
3. On the first week that we could decide on which tier we should buy at a way more affordable price (almost $250 difference in T4), you announced nothing, and since T3 / T4 seemed very close, many people, like myself, got the T3.


1. Buying 2x T2 is now CHEAPER to buy than T3 for the same credit amount. What?!
2. Credits are still useless
3. You just announced BYOK T4 exclusive access NOW?

Super shady move!

I'm 100% sure from what I've seen so far that you'll keep disappointing LTD users over and over in the future.

Easy refund.

ExpertEnoughPLUSFeb 22, 2025
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