Q: I got T3 almost a month back.
I have been regularly checking your roadmap in Trello, but I don't see any progress. It almost feels like no development has happened after implementing BYOK, and a month has passed since then.
Can you provide a status update about implementing the features in the roadmap?
I mean, I want to know whether the features in the roadmap are being taken seriously. Those features, especially the ones in 'coming up' are what got me interested and compelled me to invest in the product.

May 14, 2024A: We had a good amount of bug fixes to do before we could prioritize moving on with the roadmap. Also, this month with the AppSumo launch has been the busiest ever, so development obviously took a hit.
Me too. If the devs don't follow through when we can refund I had little confidence that they would when we couldn't.

Verified purchaser
You could also just be patient. Updating databases with billions of keywords doesn't happen very fast even with billion dollar companies, let alone startups :)

Verified purchaser
I agree that its a bit worrying. The Wordpress plugin has been in final testing since mid February. The BYOK took forever to develop when they said 1 day to start with. And here the founders posted an update on day 2 and since then nothing but replies to questions. I signed up but I certainly am keeping in eye on that last refund date if I dont feel progression is being made.

Verified purchaser
Me saying BYOK would happen in a day was a major miscalculation and entirely my fault, but saying "it took forever" is simply not true. A week or so for a major feature to be integrated in an existing system that was never built with that feature in mind, during the busiest time (launch) is certainly not the worst timeline ever I believe? The software industry isn't particularly known for its fast pace.


I agree, it's concerning when there's a noticeable lack of progress on the roadmap, especially for features that played a significant role in the decision to invest in a product. Keeping an eye on the refund date seems like a prudent measure under these circumstances. Regular updates and transparent communication from the developers are crucial for maintaining trust and confidence in their commitment to delivering the promised features.
Good luck with your service.

This is why communication is key. We don't know these things. All we know is what we're told and see. A proper roadmap tool with a change log, bug reports and feature requests would help. I don't even see an official FB group. I have to admit, I'm a bit concerned too and the attitude isn't helping.
Hi @WhitneyLA
Thanks for taking the time to write us some feedback and leave your concerns. They're totally understandable and we do agree that communication is key.
Without making excuses, it's noteworthy that at this time, we're still a startup, working on a limited budget, with a limited team and trying to figure things along as we go.
We are not perfect nor do we claim to be but we do appreciate users like you who stick with us.
Rest assured that in the coming weeks and/or months, we intend improving the product and making our process even smoother.
With regards to the Facebook group, there's one right here on our AppSumo page but here's the link ICYMI - https://web.facebook.com/groups/144341735358229?_rdc=1&_rdr
Thanks again for giving KWHero a shot and sharing your thoughts.
We hope you stick around!