Q: White Label / Custom Branding & CNAME?
Like many people on here, I'm looking for a Sessions alternative. They did so many things so well. It looks like this is a suitable alternative, though I don't see any white label or custom branding and CNAME options, is this correct? No custom branding?

Edited Mar 9, 2025A: Hey princeshay,
Great question and we can completely understand how white labelling or custom branding options would be very valuable for users to promote their person brand or agencies looking to provide an extra service.
Unfortunately we don't have plans of providing a white label or custom branding and CNAME options at this stage.
Because as a business and a brand, we are late entrants to an already competitive market, we need all of the brand visibility and word of mouth from happy users of our platforms, to help bring awareness to our platforms and to build trust with our brand. If we provided white labelling or custom branding options at this stage, we would likely never get to the scale and awareness to establish ourselves with everyday users, as a reliable platform and company :)
While there are currently no plans for white labelling or custom branding/CNAME options for our platforms, we encourage users to express their personal/agency brands by uploading their own custom virtual backgrounds that they can use during their meetings.
We understand this is likely not the response most AppSumo users would like to hear, but to ensure we're providing a sustainable long-term service, we feel it's best to be upfront and transparent on this request.
Let me know if there's anything else I can help clarify and appreciate the interest :)
True! While it won't work for me, I appreciate the thoughtful and transparent response. Best of luck!
No worries at all princeshay! Hope you find the right fit soon. Appreciate the interest :)