Q: can i give access to multiple users on my team?

115926247714975386861Aug 30, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 2, 2024

A: Hello!

Certainly! We have several options for sharing reports with your team:

Quick Link: You can generate a quick link to any report that will be valid for 30 days. This option does not require registration, making it easy to share with anyone quickly.

Embed on Your Website: You have the option to embed a report directly on your website, for example, in a private section for clients.

Full Access for Multiple Users: You can grant full access to all reports for multiple users (with no strict limits other than reasonable numbers). Additionally, you can set specific permissions, such as the ability to run a site analysis. Registration in the system is required for all participants.

SEO Project Management Board: You can create an SEO project management board where team members have access only to the reports and files assigned to them in their tasks. Once a task is completed and approved, access to the reports will be automatically revoked. Registration is required for all team members in this case.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out. We're here to help!

Best regards!

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