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Member since: Apr 2024Deals bought: 40
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: Aug 2, 2024

Great Product! 🌟

The Product works great and it creates astonishing pages.
Multilanguage and editing capabilities would be great.

In my case even if I add my app's link which is in IT language, it comes out with English buttons and texts.

Top deal for 99% people who need the page in English.
Highly recommended.

Founder Team


Aug 9, 2024

Great Product! 🌟
The Product works great and it creates astonishing pages.
Multilanguage and editing capabilities would be great.
In my case even if I add my app's link which is in IT language, it comes out with English buttons and texts.
Top deal for 99% people who need the page in English.
Highly recommended.
