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Member since: Nov 2021Deals bought: 5
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jul 4, 2023

Best for creative professional

I've tried and this software runs smoothly.

My process of making one illustration can take 6-12 hours, I once recorded a real-time time-lapse and the total file size is more than 100GB. Not to mention I have to edit and then render the speed up version. It wastes resources and time.

Lapse will really help professionals in the creative industry who want to record the process of making their artwork. The software is simple, easy to use.

Suggestion, it would be better if there was an auto save feature which we can set manually, for example every 30 minutes or 1 hour, etc. This will help if something bad happens, for example a power outage, software crash, etc. At least we didn't lose all the footage.

Thank you for this Deal!

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hey this is amazing 😍,
Sure will note all the suggestions and work upon.
