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Member since: Oct 2011Deals bought: 71
1 stars
1 stars
Posted: Nov 20, 2023

Can't open it on the Mac

I had to re-download this app, but I'm getting the message, " cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified."

Please advise.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

I am a solo developer and to keep the price of the app low I haven't taken the developer licence!

Feel free to try the app with the instructions mentioned below.

1) Hold open and right-click on the app
2) click on open and click on open in the dialog box that appears
3) you will see licence screen
4) validate it and you will have the app in the menubar ready to start recording in time-lapse at your ease

Do not forget to change the review if you like the app :)

