Q: Question

Hey, just bought the product and I'm trying to contact leads using only Linkedin, but I did not find that option. Does it exist? Also I tried to export leads from LN without using email credits and also did not find that option.

vasislavSep 20, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

A: Hello there, ahh yes I see your ticket. I'll answer in both spots, so you don't miss it. You can export only LinkedIn data by selecting the option to skip the Email Finder. It's the first pick list after you reveal the export drawer once you make a selection of a profile using a checkbox.

Leadfwd requires an email address to import a contact. A work around that you can consider is just using a formula in your spreadsheet to build a unique email address. I'm sending you a formula template in a Google Sheet that you can follow in the support ticket.

In our next release we'll have an option for you to sync LinkedIn profiles from the extension with a missing email value like this as well, so that pure LinkedIn Sequences will be more easily achieved. Stay tuned!

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