Q: What exactly would "Workspaces" be and "Agency Edition"?

Hello everything is fine?

I would like to ask something...

What exactly would "Workspaces" be and
"Agency Edition"?

Another question is: Can I manage/allocate my employee's profile? I set up the campaign and just link his account with you. Would it be possible?

112326373983480995617Sep 20, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

A: Hello there!

Workspaces are basically entirely unique and separate sub-accounts that you can create for any purpose. For an agency the workspaces could be client accounts that you service or they manage. Workspaces can also be separate teams, business units, brands, etc. Here's some more info that might be helpful too: https://help.leadfwd.com/hc/en-us/articles/33214068706067-Workspaces

Yes with our Pro plan, which starts at Tier 3, you would have team management and can invite your team. You wouldn't need agency or workspaces to have your team on the platform with their own login access and roles.

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