Learn To Code In Google Sheets by Better Sheets

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Q: Andrew hello, I purchased your course and just finished with the first video.

My sheet doesn't have Create Code option but I found it by opening Google Script and followed your instructions step by step. So, when I save the code, it gives me error and says Unknown function of "cpmOf" and "multiplyByTwelve"? Perhaps Google Sheet updated its Sheets, where do we ask you questions and when we need help? There was no option on Gumroad.com. Thank you.

aafanasyDec 21, 2021
Founder Team


May 14, 2024

A: You can reply to any gumroad email about better sheets and you'll get me.

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Posted: Feb 11, 2022

I was able to fix it going another way. A few things changed since the class was made. But overall I enjoyed it and learned the intro of that world! Thank you!