Q: URL uniqueness
Is it possible to have different URLs for different course type? Can you link to a resource file, which helps me to understand, if I can separate courses, learners, based on URLs or any other way. Also is there a way to embed the URL or display with my other website?

Mar 6, 2025A: 1- If you mean URLS to create courses -- at the moment you can generate courses with one url per course but we are working on the multiple file generation where you will be able to generate courses based on a large number of resources (pdf, urls, etc.)
2- You will be able to embed websites IN your learniverse course AND embed you learniverse course on your websites. This feature is coming out today/tomorrow
Thanks that was helpful. Can you explain what is meant by 10 learning groups and 300 learners per group. Does 300 learners mean - 300 users are capped, and once course is completed, the users are done, and new users are added but total has to be 300?