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Q: Hello team, I'll try to get to the heart of my question.

I use a password tool where all the digital assets I own are accessible.

My question is, what added value does your tool have now, if I disregard the notification of the people I have stored with you?

flowyzeAug 22, 2024
Founder Team


Aug 22, 2024

A: Hello!

Great question! While password tools are excellent for storing and accessing your digital assets, Leggado.Digital offers additional value by documenting the existence and management instructions for your assets.
This ensures your beneficiaries know exactly what to do in case of an emergency. Beyond notifications, if automatic contact attempts go unanswered, our legal team personally steps in to ensure your beneficiaries are properly informed and guided.

Leggado.Digital helps organize your digital legacy, ensuring it’s secure and ready to be passed on when needed.

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