Q: Since it's white label (thank you for that btw) I want to utilize Linke as an add-on service to give a link ...
page to my clients as a little freebie when ordering from us.
Is there a URL or something I can email my clients and just say "Hey, if you want your own link page for your business, go here: [MY URL LINK] and sign yourself up" and it would just add them under my account and they can edit their own link pages.
Instead of me initially creating a link page for each person and then manually emailing them their special editing link

May 14, 2024A: Hello,
This feature is under study, but will surely be linked to a "Team plan" separate from this one
Sound cool. Exactly what I was thinking ☺️

Verified purchaser
Any updates on the white labelling? also want to do this with a few domains :)