Local Scraper - Lead Generation Software

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Q: A few quick questions

Hello. This program looks solid. Just a few quick questions - Do I need to download this program? If so, does it work on Mac? Using this program, can I configure the program to just provide me businesses that don't have websites or businesses with websites that are not mobile optimized? Thank you for your time.

Mr_Daniel_Robert_FordPLUSSep 1, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 6, 2024

A: Hello,

Yes you would need to download it, it is a software you run on your own computer. It does have a Mac version for both Intel and ARM Macs.

Because the websites that we scrape don't support filtering like that the program doesn't have filtering. We can't ask google maps to give us only businesses without websites for example. You will need to scrape all of the data and then filter it afterwards in Excel or something to then find what you are after.

Grant @ LocalScraper

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