Local Scraper - Lead Generation Software

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Q: Can this also attempt to source biz owner name? Can it also collect most recents reviews (with dates)?

csterPLUSAug 27, 2024
Founder Team


Aug 28, 2024

A: We do not have any source for the business owner name so we do not source those details. The only place I can think of is business registry data or maybe LinkedIn if we wanted the owners name. The google maps full scraper will grab a few reviews, but they are not the most recent but the ones featured on the google listing page, this is 3 reviews. I don't know how they are chosen. Many of the other scrapers will also try to grab reviews when on page, but we don't have any specific system to say grab all of the reviews for a google business.

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Posted: Aug 28, 2024

thanks for the info :)