Q: "License unlimited Google Sheets accounts in the same Google Workspace domain" What does this mean?
I am ready to buy the Enterprise Plan cos unlimited but what does this mean exactly?
Can anyone explain?

May 15, 2024A: Hi, thanks for your question! The Enterprise Plan is for Google Workspaces and it gives all users in one organization access to Logic Sheet. Since Google Workspaces all have domains, the licenses are distributed to all users under the same licensed domain. For example, if a company XYZ has the domain xyz.com and buys the Enterprise Plan, all its employees, for example, john@xyz.com, dave@xyz.com, will automatically have access to Logic Sheet. Hope this explains! Wei

Verified purchaser
very loud and clear, thanks!

I'm an individual but want to use this in 3 of my personal Gmails and 2 of my Google Workspaces. I'd need to buy this 5 times? :( Can you just change it to unlimited users instead of restricted to within a single Workspace account?
Hi, if all the 5 accounts are owned by yourself, you can buy only 2 codes and email me, or talk to me via our website's live chat. I will add the additional licenses for your other accounts. But the condition is that all accounts must be owned by yourself. Thanks

Verified purchaser
"You can have up to 100 email aliases per domain."
I got this from Google. Am I right to say that I'm limited to 100 ***@xyz.com based on the explanation that you've kindly provided above?
Would you consider allowing us to have multiple domains to unlock the potential of Tier 3 (unlimited sheets)?
Hi, thanskf for your question. The statement "You can have up to 100 email aliases per domain." means that you can have up to 100 aliases as email addresses for the same Google account, for example, I can set help@xyz.com as an alias of john@xyz.com without paying extra for a new Google Workspace user license. But you can have unlimited users in the same Google Workspace, and there is no limit as far as I know. You just need to pay Google for each added user in your Workspace organization. There is a difference between "user" and "alias". Basically our Tier 3 license gives you unlimited user licenses in your Google Workspace. I hope this explains!