Logii Anti-Detect Browser - Plus exclusive

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Member since: Jan 2022Deals bought: 40
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1 stars
Posted: Jan 27, 2025

Does NOT Work On Mac

Unfortunately, I found out the hard way that it doesn't work on Mac computers, even though it clearly states in the checklist under the product purchase price that it "Runs On Mac & PC." This is not the case. After hours of frustration trying to get it to work on my Mac, I decided to contact support through the chatbot on the back office page. It is an AI chatbot conversation that leads to nowhere.

I finally joined the Logii FB group, which is a private community. Once I was accepted, I contacted one of the Admins about it not working on my Mac computer. Only then was I told that it doesn't work on Mac.

I don't understand why it is still being sold with the words "Runs On Mac & PC" in the description, knowing that it does not work on Mac computers. My opinion is that this needs to be fixed, or people need to be told that it will not work if they have a Mac computer. Again, my opinion.
