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Member since: Feb 2016Deals bought: 448
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Aug 13, 2024

Nice idea, bad implementation

This is a nice idea, and Whatsapp is heavily used in many countries, so this app could be really helpfull.

Unfortunately, there are some bugs that render the platform unusable for us. It is concerning to see that despite these bugs being repeatedly mentioned in previous reviews, they still seem to persist. This raises doubts about the level of active effort being put into resolving them.

To mention a few:

- The thumbnail displaying the user picture fails to load properly, only showing a blank placeholder. This significantly hinders the ability to quickly identify the person we are speaking with. While it may be considered a minor bug, it has been consistently mentioned by numerous reviewers and still persists.

- The app has a flaw where it duplicates conversations with the same person, resulting in two separate conversations. Moreover, when you send a message, the recipient does not receive it. This issue becomes apparent when we verify it on the official WhatsApp app.

- each time you choose a person to communicate with, it initiates a page reload, significantly impeding the process speed
- the calendar lacks integration with other platforms like Google calendar, Apple calendar, etc., rendering it unusable
- the user interface needs an update
- The UI is underwhelming.

I'll refund. Good luck!

Founder Team


Aug 14, 2024

Hello eikonikos,

Thank you for taking the time to share your detailed feedback with us. We truly appreciate your honest assessment and apologize for the issues you've experienced.

It's clear that you've encountered several issues that have impacted your ability to fully utilize our platform, and we take your concerns very seriously. While it's disheartening to hear that some bugs have persisted, we want to assure you that our team is actively working to resolve these issues. We're committed to improving our product and providing a better user experience.


- User picture thumbnail: We understand how important it is to quickly identify contacts, and this issue is currently being addressed by our development team.
- Conversation duplication and message delivery: These are critical functions, and we're prioritizing fixes to ensure that messages are delivered reliably and without duplication.
- Page reloads and speed: Performance is a key focus for us, and we're making changes to improve the efficiency of the app.
- Calendar integration: We're exploring options to better integrate with popular calendar platforms and enhance the overall functionality.
- User Interface: We agree that the UI needs an update, and we're actively working on redesigning it to make it more intuitive and user-friendly.

We regret that you’ve decided to request a refund, but we fully understand your decision. Our team is committed to addressing these issues, and we hope you might consider giving us another chance in the future once these improvements have been made.

Thank you again for your feedback, and we wish you all the best.
ManyContacts Team
