FlowyTeam for Company Productivity & Performance

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Member since: Aug 2013Deals bought: 369
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 12, 2024

Promising, but a few frustrating quirks

This is my first review of Flowy after spending nearly an entire day with it.
I really like it's promise and potential. Having Strategic (OKRs) and Execution (tasks and projects) data in one place is very promising indeed. I like that I'm able to create OKRs and even connect them together.

What I feel is missing is the connection between the Strategy and Execution could be tighter, cleaner. For example, while you have a Projects module, there's no way (that I could see) that you could tie projects to a Key Result or Objective. I know from OKR best practices that completing projects does not result in having achieved KRs, but if we could easily link a project to an Objective or KR, it would help explain WHY a project is being executed.

There is a way to create tasks from Key Results. But it creates a Parent Task that mirrors the KR, and then you create subtasks for it. So then it becomes confusing if you're looking at a KR or a Task. And then there's no easy way to see where the subtasks you create fall in the OKR tree (e.g. Company OKRs to Team OKRs, etc.)

Another thing I would love to see is the ability to see all of my Team OKRs on a single screen. From what I can tell, you can only see the OKRs for a single Team on one page. If you want to see another team's OKRs, you have to manually select that team instead. I would like this as I work with multiple leaders, and we often want to see on a page where we are with multiple initiatives, multiple teams, etc.

There are a few little quirks (not bugs) that I hope get addressed to make Flowy more intuitive, but I feel it has great potential in its current form. I hope the team will be responsive to it's users as this platform has the potential to be something really special.

Despite my complaints above, I am giving it 5 stars as it is feature rich in its current form.
