Groups Pro

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Member since: May 2019Deals bought: 5
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jan 21, 2021


As a Facebook group owner - and an email marketer, Groups Pro is a timesaving tool that everyone needs in their arsenal.

Automatically approving new members is great on its own, but to also be able to send those new members directly to my autoresponder?? C'mon, that's money.

I've used other tools in the past, and they'd work for a little bit and then stop entirety, or need constant coddling. I haven't experienced a problem yet with Groups Pro.

The best part of all? Robert is a cool cat (with a cowboy hat) that is quick to answer any and all questions.

If you're a group owner, and get even 1 new member request a day, then this tool is a must.

For your sanity, and your bank account.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hey, Thanks for your review!

Glad you're liking it!
