Q: Ai requests

How many AI requests i can get with this lifetime plan?

redshift7Mar 9, 2025
Founder Team


Mar 9, 2025

A: Hi there, the AppSumo deals include slightly fewer AI requests in the plan than the lifetime subscriptions you purchase on our website. Apart from that, everything else is like the Founder lifetime subscription you purchase on our website.

Here is the breakdown of the AI requests you get in the AppSumo deal:
Tier 1 - 250 requests
Tier 2 - 500 requests
Tier 3 - 1000 requests

The number of AI requests you receive is a one-time allocation and does not replenish monthly. If you need more AI credits, you can purchase them directly on the platform, and it's quite affordable.

The pricing is as follows:
$5 for 100 AI requests
$10 for 1000 AI requests
$15 for 5000 AI requests.

Hope this helps!

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