Musicsesame - Stock Music Library
Royalty free music for YouTube, ads, films, documentaries, podcasts, and more
Musicsesame offers an entire stock music library.
Gain the right to download any track, at any time, without any extra cost. All tracks are 100% royalty free meaning that no agent, PRS, ASCAP or other collective rights society will never ask for royalties.

200 + tracks and growing -- Commercial license for our 200+ exclusive tracks. You only pay once & use all our stock music forever in endless projects.
Music for all media -- Whether it is YouTube, Film, Video or Documentary you do not need a second music license. Our music licenses cover all media uses.

Exclusive tracks -- Tracks belong 100% to our company. You will not find those tracks anywhere else.
Pay Once – Download current & future tracks. A single price for access to our entire music library.
Download any track -- Just pick the track you want and download it instantly.

Get access today!
Plans & features
Deal terms & conditions
- Lifetime access to Musicsesame - Stock Music Library
- You must redeem your code within 60 days of purchase
- All future plan updates
- Please note: This deal is not stackable
- This deal is non-refundable