Musicsesame - Stock Music Library

    Royalty free music for YouTube, ads, films, documentaries, podcasts, and more

    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Musicsesame offers an entire stock music library.

    Gain the right to download any track, at any time, without any extra cost. All tracks are 100% royalty free meaning that no agent, PRS, ASCAP or other collective rights society will never ask for royalties.


    too long didn't read
    All tracks belong exclusively 100% to our company - you will not find those tracks anywhere else
    Use in premium media placements worldwide such as films and global ads (they're even YouTube safe!)



    Musicsesame - Stock Music Library
    The Musicsesame library is not available on any other platform.

    200 + tracks and growing -- Commercial license for our 200+ exclusive tracks. You only pay once & use all our stock music forever in endless projects.

    Music for all media -- Whether it is YouTube, Film, Video or Documentary you do not need a second music license. Our music licenses cover all media uses.

    Musicsesame - Stock Music Library
    Exclusive royalty free music.

    Exclusive tracks -- Tracks belong 100% to our company. You will not find those tracks anywhere else.

    Pay Once – Download current & future tracks. A single price for access to our entire music library.

    Download any track -- Just pick the track you want and download it instantly.

    Musicsesame - Stock Music Library
    Use all our stock music forever in multiple projects.

    Get access today!


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