Musicsesame - Stock Music Library Reviews


4.67 stars
4.67 stars

Taco ratings


Musicsesame - Stock Music Library has received positive feedback for its diverse music collection, high quality recordings, and responsive customer support. Some users have expressed a desire for more frequent updates and a wider variety of tracks. Despite these minor drawbacks, Musicsesame remains a solid choice for those seeking royalty-free music for various projects. With an overall rating of 4.6, Musicsesame continues to be a worthwhile investment for content creators.

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Showing 1 - 20 of 33 reviews
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Member since: Sep 2024Deals bought: 279
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Jan 16, 2025

A bit lacking compared to others

While the 200 tracks are nice, it's still a bit lacking when it comes to variety. No new updates or tracks makes this a tough one to get behind. There seems to be only two or three track contributors, and the sound effects are limited. There are better options out there. Goodish. Not great.

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Member since: Aug 2023Deals bought: 10
2 stars
2 stars
Posted: Dec 9, 2024

Review From a Meditation Teacher

Unfortunately, most of the tracks aren't suitable for client work. The music tends to be more dark and haunting rather than neutral and calming. Additionally, in the piano pieces, sudden single notes often disrupt the otherwise tranquil sections.
Given that I can only use one track effectively, I'll need to cancel before my trial period ends unless significant improvements are made. As meditation music is a substantial market, I'd encourage the composer to better align with customer needs.
Please share this feedback with the composer. I'm happy to revise my review once these issues are addressed. Thank you

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Verified purchaser

Member since: Jul 2021Deals bought: 75
2 stars
2 stars
Posted: Oct 17, 2024

No Useable Music

Spent 20 minutes or so going thru the various tracks. Didn't find anything that would work for my YT Videos. Sadly, this is not refundable that's $75 down the drain.

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Verified purchaser

Member since: Aug 2020Deals bought: 18
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jun 23, 2024

Nice selection of music

I've been looking for background music to use with short video book trailers and social media reels for my novels. MusicSesame has a nice selection of music with different mood and styles. I feel like I made a great investment for a product I'll be using regularly.

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Verified purchaser

Member since: Apr 2022Deals bought: 43
2 stars
2 stars
Posted: May 8, 2024

Couldn't find usable audio

Granted my team is picky when it comes to audio.. I should have previewed music before purchasing. The tracks genuinely have a place, not for my use. Wrong genre entirely. Be careful before you buy as this product is one without returns. Go on site and listen to tracks first before you buy!! Don't waste $75 like I did. If the tracks suit your needs, $75 is a steal. Whatever floats your boat. Sunk mine.
